When I was at school, I had earnestly wished that I join college as early as possible. No, it was not that my school was taxing or anything, but it was purely for the sartorial freedom that those institutions offered me. But now, a host of colleges are busy drafting rules to enforce dress code among their students. It started with a few autonomous colleges in North India and it has even extended down south to our very own Anna University. And now, even some government-aided institutions in Orissa, about 500 and odd, have introduced a uniform dress code for its students. All this enforcement, after those boys and girls had worn school uniforms for more than 12 years in a row. Just when they want to get out of their school uniforms, come the colleges with another set of dress code. Is it right or wrong? No, I am no judge to decide on whether the rule is politically correct or not. However, I feel that all this enactment only because a few students, especially girls, in the last 2-3 years...
Reflections of a random kind.