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Showing posts from November, 2005

Culture Mops

The political parties are out to make an issue of nothing. What wrong did Kushboo say when she said that women having premarital sex should exercise caution and use implements to prevent AIDS. When she suggested something as mundane and as practical as this one, suddenly the culture cops are out to cry at her as a blemish on the tamil culture and what not. With India ranking in the top 5 nations in the AIDS affected country, what wrong did she do in advising the young girls to exercise caution. Anyway, none of these modern day girls are as docile and as innocent that these culture cops are claiming to be. These folks cannot find an example of the so called Penn with high Tamizh morals. not even in their homes, lest in the city. If a doctor cautions you against tooth decay and insists that you wash your mouth everytime after you eat a chocolate, is he trying to put down somebody. Is he trying to insinuate something? Why is this unnecessary hue and cry. Not just a decade ago, the fan...

(Un)Reality shows

The so called reality shows that are now on air, are so unreal in the first place. And all those contestants, mostly in their teens and early twenties, take these shows as the end of life and work as if a life and death situation. And it is the organisers who are putting undue pressure on these folks, recording even their minutest movements and telecasting them for its viewers. Bull shit. I seriously fail to understand why such hype is being created about jus another contest. Agreed that the prize money involved is big enough and enduring. But it doesn't mean that if I dont qualify in any of those, I become a dumbo and fit for nothing person. But this is exactly the idea that is being conveyed all these shows and its panel of judges. Earlier, during my childhood days, such music contest programme was so much fun to watch and was quite relaxing. But nowa days with such dime a dozen reality shows (as they proudly proclaim) its more than disgusting to sit in front of the idiot box for...