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Showing posts from July, 2006

Of Fibonacci and Da Vinci Code

(Reuters)London, July 19 : If the numbers 13-3-2-21-1-1-8-5 ring a bell, it might be because you have been reading The Da Vinci Code. Dan Brown's bestseller uses that series -- a mixed-up version of a sequence of numbers brought to the Western world by a 13th century Italian mathematician -- as a clue to a secret Swiss bank account. As Brown's book, and the film, turned into a global entertainment phenomenon, the work of Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa was given a new lease of life for millions of people. Not so for Elizabeth Miller. The technical analyst had long been a devotee of the Fibonacci sequence which mirrors patterns found in art, music, architecture and nature. Working for Redtower Research out of a farmhouse in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Miller looks at charts of price movements to work out future financial market trends, and she says Fibonacci numbers help her. Fibonacci numbers are used by technical analysts to determine price objectives from percentage retracements, or...

Edit on Mumbai blasts

Dear all, Today's Mid-Day edit begins by saying that you don't need to be a rocketscientist to understand that the chain of events starting from theBhiwandi riots to the desecration of Meenatai's statue and what happenedas an aftermath, to the serial blasts on the trains yesterday, meanssomebody somewhere wants Mumbaikar's to spill out on the streets andgrab each other by the throats. Incidentally, these same somebody-- the faceless outcasts that theystill are-- have at least succeeded in one part of their plan. Mumbaikars have actually spilled out on to the streets. The catch here is that they have failed to succeed in the second andmost important part of their plan: that of getting Mumbaikars to grabeach other by the throats. Mumbaikars spilled onto the streets-- in acollective show of the middle finger to those who proposed otherwise. I know very well that you are already aware of how Mumbai stormed ontothe streets to help the injured, the stranded and soothe the inj...

Salaam Bombay (Mumbai)!

TIMES NEWS NETWORK[ WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 2006 12:00:00 AM] MUMBAI: 'The spirit of Mumbai' isn't just a pretty phrase - it's a realitythat comes to the fore every time the city is struck by disaster. And it wasout in full force on 11/7. Good Samaritans came in every shape and size on Tuesday evening - themuch-reviled slum dwellers living near the railway tracks, fellow commuters,local residents' groups and passersby, who without a second thought rushedto the help of victims.Slum dwellers were the first to run towards the local trains ripped apart inthe blasts. Tearing through burning debris, people pulled out survivors,fashioned makeshift stretchers out of bedsheets and carted off the injuredto the nearest hospital in autorickshaws and taxis.On the choked roads, strangers were giving lifts to stranded commuters. One of our journalists on his way from the Bandra-Kurla Complex to Andheri saw heartening scenes of car owners, truck and bus drivers offering people aride. O...