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Showing posts from August, 2021

The Spirit of Sportsmanship

  Finally, curtains are down at the Tokyo Olympics 2020. There were many interesting things about this event: It was the one that was titled 2020 but happened in 2021; it was the one in which there were absolutely no spectators to cheer; the one in which the players had to lock themselves in a bio-bubble and forbidden even to open their room doors and windows; the one when there was a lurking fear of being tested positive for Corona Virus during the routine tests; the one in which players had no family or friends to lend any emotional support; the first global event that happened after the whole world went into a lock-down. But what struck me the most about the game was this was the one in which the spirit of humanity and sportsmanship shone brightly. Why do I think so? Well, for example, games are generally considered competitive and a global sports event as Olympics reeks of rivalry, grit and the fight to win. None of this was missing this year yet I thought that there was more ...