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Showing posts from October, 2021

Size matters

It’s finally that time of the year which makes you feel both happy and sad! Diwali is a festival that the avid shopper in me always looks forward to but it is also that time of the year when the otherwise, languid, fitness-conscious self just raises her head to scare me into business. But trust me, that’s always been a short-lived one! The truth is, while it's super fun to go shop-hopping checking out the latest designs and wanting to make a fashion statement, the ugly truth of one’s expanding size really starts to bother then; only then. And that’s why I love to shop at Fab India.  No! I am not one of those hardcore handicrafts fans who have vowed to work assiduously for the upliftment of the artisans of the land and hence would buy only clothes made by them. That I would love to do when my purse permits; but I love the shop for a completely different reason. Their ethnic designs, exquisite craftwork, handwoven cloth, natural dyes and high prices apart, what matters the most...