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Showing posts from November, 2006

Replacing the Big B

Not just being satisfied with having donned the rold of Amitabh in Don, now Shah Rukh is going to take his seat in KBC too. This is sad news for all those KBC lovers who were held spell bound with Amitabh's antics and baritone voice. The show rose to be one among the top ten, mostly owing to Big B's charisma and presentation. I am not sure how much will Shah Rukh be able to replicate Big B in dealing with the people in the hot seat. Definitely, it will be a let down for all those who had stayed glued to the programme. So much so, that even my son, who is a great of fan of KBC, is not happy with the idea of seeing someone other than the BIG B himself. Amitabh is so dear to children too especially with the kind of ads that he gets featured in. No wonder he is the top most brand ambassador in the country who endorses the maximum number of products. But with rumours agog about his imminent entry into politics, and with his proximity with Amar Singh of Samajwadi party, it will sure...
Alkali metals A coolest chemistry video! Am not sure its for real or not. However, interesting to watch. Behold the power of rubidium and cesium!!!

Art as investment

I really found this article as quite an informative one. Though it is from my site, I was particularly happy with the presentation. Take a look.

UMRAO JAAN: HM.. no.. jaan

With the host of remakes in the run, I read an interesting article about Umrao Jaan remake. The bottomline, the review said, was that there is Aish as UMRAO looks beautiful with no JAAN in her. This line seem to have said it all. The classic has been remade only to get such pathetic comments. It is disgusting to see Aishwarya as beauty without brains while the original Umrao in history, is known only for her brains though she lacked beauty. Watch this clipping of Rekha in Umrao jaan and how delicately she conveys her feelings. Similarly, Don is such a pathetic remake. Despite being a great fan of Shah Rukh Khan, I have to admit that the film stands no match to the original version. The characters are weird and for some reason, Shah Rukh fails to shine. I saw an interesting review on TV sometime ago about how these remake makers are already branding their films as superhits just on the second week of their release. The justification that the distributors give is that the since the pro...

Born with the heart out!

23/11/2006 One of the medical wonders. Using a piece of Gore-Tex fabric to make their repairs, doctors performed corrective surgery on a baby born with his heart outside his chest, and said on Wednesday that the youngster should be able to lead a close-to-normal life. Naseem Hasni underwent surgery to put his heart inside his chest hours after being delivered by Caesarean section on October 31 at Holtz Children's Hospital. "He's not going to be able to play certain kinds of sports where a blow to the sternum to you and me wouldn't be a problem, but in him it would be. So I think some competitive sports are going to be out," said Dr Eliot Rosenkranz, a cardiothoracic surgeon, "but he's going to be able to participate in other sorts of activities. Certainly the goal is as normal a childhood as he can achieve." Before the surgery, Naseem's heart looked like a peeled plum sitting atop his pink chest, with the aorta diving back underneath th...