NEW DELHI: The youth of India just won't stop experimenting with intoxicants.
A few weeks ago we told you about school and college-goers pasting Iodex, a pain-relieving ointment, on bread and eating it for a high. Now, a new trend among hard-core drug addicts has come to light is of a cocktail of acid (LSD) and Viagra. Apparently for "prolonged mind-blowing sex." This new addiction is not just limited to a handful. In Delhi it is revealed by a telling statement of an addict, "I was at a rave in Mumbai (which has the highest number of LSD users in India) and almost everyone there had a Viagra pill which they'd pop after doing acid. That's where I started doing it. But now almost every acid-doer in Delhi carries Viagra pills with him." But no longer restricted to just Mumbai, this deadly new trend is on its high at any farmhouse rave party that take place on the outskirts of metropolitan towns almost every week away from public view. Sameer Gupta (name changed), 21, spares no words - "It's awesome", though he saves his 'trips' for when he is with his 20-year-old girlfriend. "Acid makes your mind rush at a zillion waves. You cannot possibly concentrate on just one thing. So erection is near impossible. But once you take the Viagra pill, you would just go on having sex through out the night.
Sameer says he has tried taking Viagra even after Ecstasy, a synthetic party drug. "But Viagra is more significant after acid. Once you begin to do something, you just go on and on doing that. That's the amount of energy you have. Viagra only helps in erection."
The peddlers are never too far - keeping up with the trend, catering to varied tastes. "Hardly anyone buys acid alone. They mostly expect a Viagra pill with it," one such peddler adds, sporting dark shades, sitting inside a room of the farmhouse. A couple of drops of acid on a small blotting paper costs about Rs 450 while a Viagra pill about Rs 400. Sameer Parekh, one of the top psychologists of the country, confirms that the cocktail trend is increasing. "This new addiction is becoming common, even after taking alcohol or marijuana, not just acid." "Either they have a lot of insecurity or they've just become dependant on Viagra because it obviously gives them a lot of pleasure once their energy level is at its peak," Parekh adds. Revealing the effects, Parekh says, "Hardcore drugs like acid and ecstasy are extremely harmful as it is. And Viagra is known to have affects on the heart. It's not meant for young kids of the age that are coming to me saying they're dependant on it." Only if the Indian youth wished to learn without experiencing things themselves!